
Saturday, October 19, 2013


Why is it always the taxpayers turn to pay more?  

Why is our property always the target for extortion?   Now is not the time to go on a building spree.    Now is not the time to destroy perfectly good school buildings.   The school BUILDING does not impart knowledge.  

The decision to put another levy on the ballot right after the district “creatively” PASSED a levy in August is just plain stupid.   That levy passed with about 10% of the registered voters.   The district’s employees were all they needed to sneak in that levy. 

It is time for the business owners and property owners to say “enough.”

Everyone’s taxes will automatically be going up with the “Non-Affordable Care Act.“   Of course the union members will not have to worry about paying for this non-insurance.    We already pay for their Rolls Royce coverage.   While the rest of us,  pay for their insurance, we probably won’t have any.

Also, don’t forget that our local property taxes will automatically be going up.   Why?  Because the “roll back “deduction is going to disappear.    The 2.5% discount is also going away.  Didn't your teacher friendS tell you about these increases in your taxes?

Then there is the 6.5% increase in state contributions to the district for the current fiscal year.   The district will receive 10.5% increase in 2014-2015. 

Another source of income is the Rocky’s Express gas pipeline that is providing a windfall of new money for the district.   Did the district reveal this new source of millions of dollars?   

Lebanon schools received $1,681,178 in 2011, $1,782,273 in 2012 and $1,747,273 in 2013.  This will probably increase in the future.  There is also another pipeline that will bring new bounty.  More money for the administration to waste and negotiate with the union for wage and benefit increases.  

Then we must consider the casinos in Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus and Toledo.   These casinos will provide funds that will be/are distributed to the school systems across the state.

We have the Racino in Warren County.   There will be plenty of money distributed to the school district from this new business.  The Racino should be finished this December.   The track will be finished next spring.  This income will increase through the years because of the way the permits were written.

Did anyone tell the taxpayers about the Federal Stimulus money that was received by Lebanon City School District?    What did they do with that money?

The Lebanon City School district’s audit states that the total expenditures in 2008 were $37,573,906 in fiscal year the expenditures are stated at $47,778,879.   (This is a five year period.)  That is an increase of over $10,000,000.   

Where did they find that "new" money?   Where did they spend that money?  The propaganda from the district was that they were “hurting.”

They tell us over and over that wages and benefits are “frozen.”   Is that the truth?   The report reveals that the total in 2008 for personal services and benefits was $29,115,179 .   With the so called “salary freeze” this number jumped to $38,270,565.  I would hate to see that number if they had been given across the board raises.

Further  is the audit category called “Purchased Services.”   This category went up by almost $1 million dollars.   Donna Norris works for SWOCA and this is one of the services the district “purchases.”    It is called “technology support. 

The district did  have a perfectly competent Director of Computer Services .   For some unknown reason she left the district.   This was right after the board voted to buy the Manchurian Chinese “Rosetta Stone Program.”   They did not have a teacher for that course.    I asked several students if they knew anything about Chinese being a choice at LHS.    Not one had ever heard about that language being  a class choice.     This is just another example of waste.  
Of course, it is not their money – so they just don’t care about waste.


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